East Staffordshire Borough Council has recently completed a number of projects in the village of Tatenhill in Burton on Trent. The projects show how a local community, along with partners such as ESBC, Parish Councils, Trent and Dove and community groups, can work together to bring a greater benefit to local people.
Local residents identified the need for a village green following a consultation in 2011. A suitable location was identified – an area of land left in poor condition through the winter and where parked cars blocked drivers visibility at the village’s cross roads. The area of land has been turfed and shrubs and plants have been planted. The new village green is maintained by the parish ranger.
Following consultation with local residents, improving broadband provision in the village became a priority. As a result, broadband wireless networks have been installed in the village and 95% of residents now have access to wireless broadband.
The car park at Tatenhill Village Hall was in need of repair as it had a number of potholes and the surface was sunken and dangerous. Tatenhill Community Group applied for funding from the Council’s Neighbourhood Development fund and resurfaced the car park, improving the lighting and drainage at the same time.
“We’ve wanted these changes for a number of years and with the help of the community group and the Council’s Neighbourhood Working team we’ve finally got them.” Commented local resident, Jane Bristow.
Councillor Patricia Ackroyd, Deputy Leader for Built Environment, said: “The Neighbourhood Working team at East Staffordshire Borough Council work on a variety of local projects in the borough providing assistance, advice and funding to community groups for projects which improve their local community.
The work in Tatenhill is an example of how the Council can help local community groups improve their community through funding and advice”.
If any community within East Staffordshire would like to know how they can get involved in similar projects for their areas have a look at the Neighbourhood Working webpage on www.eaststtaffsbc.gov.uk or contact a member of the Neighbourhood Working team on 01283 508037 or email them on neighbourhoods.team@eaststaffsbc.gov.uk