As in previous years East Staffordshire Borough Council is playing an active role in promoting Noise Action Week.
Noise is an unavoidable part of everyday normal life. Whilst we can accept a certain degree of disturbance, there are some types of noise that are unreasonable.
Every year the Council receives over 300 complaints. The majority of these complaints are received during the summer months when windows and doors are left open and we spend more time outdoors.
Loud music, parties, barking dogs and noise from people, can stretch a person’s tolerance to the limit and with tensions running high it is easy for relations between neighbours to suffer.
It doesn’t take much to stay on good terms with your neighbours and having consideration is most important. You may think of your garden as an outside room during the summer months, but it’s a room ‘without walls’. Keep noise volumes to a reasonable level, if you are carrying out noisy chores, such as mowing etc, think carefully about whether it will disturb others unnecessarily.
If problems do occur, try to talk calmly to your neighbour first. If you have tried to reason with them and they are still making unacceptable levels of noise then please contact the Pollution Team on 01283 508524 or by emailing the , alternatively visit our website we can investigate noise nuisance complaints as a potential Statutory Nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
With the onset of lighter nights and warmer weather these are a few of the specific noise issues that are reported to us:-
Barking Dogs
It’s normal for dogs to bark, however, when that barking is loud, and continuous it can amount to a serious noise nuisance. It is often the case that the owner of the dog is unaware that their animal is causing a disturbance to neighbours, so it is always beneficial to talk with them about the problem.
It is worth remembering that a barking dog can cause a nuisance both outside and inside a property and can be more noticeable late at night and early in the morning.
‘Get Togethers’ – Friends and Family
We all have reason to celebrate from time to time, enjoying special occasions. Neighbours are usually tolerant of this. However, it’s a different matter if the parties or ‘get togethers’ are regular and ‘people noise’ and loud music is played too loud and too late into the night.
It is unlikely that the Council would take action on a one-off party, but nevertheless, we always advise that any party be conducted in a reasonable and considerate manner. It always pays to speak to your neighbours before having your party so that they know beforehand. It can prevent a lot of misunderstanding.
Noise from Pubs and Clubs
The provision of entertainment for patrons in pubs and clubs is a traditional and an important part of community life. It brings business for the licensee and for the local economy. However, noise disturbance can be a common cause of complaint from local residents who are affected by a variety of sources, loud music/entertainment, use of beer gardens, smoking shelters and raised voices, to give just a few examples.
Residents living near to licensed premises should expect a certain amount of disturbance, however, not to the extent that it interferes with the enjoyment of their own property. Licensees should take a proactive approach to minimise nuisance. Communication with residents can help prevent noise complaints.
Councillor Julia Jessel, Deputy Leader for Regulatory Services, said: “We are all hoping to have a warm and happy summer, but, with just a little thought and forward planning, there should be no need to disturb our neighbours unreasonably.
“Noise Action Week allows the Council to raise awareness of how different types of noise can impact on the lives of residents in East Staffordshire. If you need any further advice please contact our pollution team.”