East Staffordshire Borough Council’s Open Spaces Team has been informed that the fire service was called out to the play area at Tower Woods, Brizlincote Valley yesterday morning [Monday 2nd September] to a report of a fire.
There has been fire damage to a large number of wooden retaining posts, as well as some of the equipment, such as stepping blocks and balance beams, as well as a large area of bark chippings.
The whole area has now been closed off until the repairs can be made. The cost of repairing the damage is likely to be around £3,000. The fire service has told officers from the Council that this was a deliberate act.
Councillor Patricia Ackroyd, Deputy Leader for Built Environment, said “I am extremely disappointed to see such a valuable local amenity closed because of such mindless actions, once again a few individuals spoil it for the majority. We will endeavour to make the necessary repairs as soon as possible and I would also encourage anyone with any information that could help catch them to let the Council or the local police know as soon as possible.”
Councillor Bernard Peters, ward member for Brizlincote, said: “As ward member for Brizlincote, I can only express my anger and disappointment at this mindless act of vandalism. This is a popular play area in Brizlincote, enjoyed by many families and as a result of these actions, the Council will have to temporarily close the play area for necessary repairs. If anyone does have any information please get in touch with the police to assist them in catching the culprits.”
If anyone has any information about the incident could they please contact East Staffordshire Borough Council, Burton Police or Crimestoppers.