Brewhouse Arts Centre Consultation Events
The Brewhouse is Burton’s leading arts and performance centre.
Based in Union Street the centre has hosted many high quality events and programmes over the years and has become the home for the town’s thriving amateur dramatics scene.
East Staffordshire Borough Council has commissioned QUAD, Derby’s centre for art and film, to come up with new ideas for re-invigorating the centre. As part of that process it is important to involve the local community so that the future activities of the Brewhouse match the needs of residents, community groups, the arts and business sectors.
We are hosting a number of events aimed at getting your input into what the Brewhouse should be doing in the future.
This will be your chance to make a vital contribution to a significant Burton asset.
The consultation events will take place at the Brewhouse on the following dates:
Wednesday 4th December – 12 noon
Friday 6th December – 8am
Wednesday 11th December – 5pm
Councillor Bernard Peters, Deputy Leader for Service Commissioning, said: “What the Council ultimately wants is to improve the offer at the Brewhouse and evolve the current usage and make it an attractive option for people who have never been before and enhance the offer for those who have used it previously. We would like residents, community groups, art groups and local businesses to help shape the future of the Brewhouse.”
If you would like to attend please confirm your attendance with