
Add Your Event to InBurton

It’s totally free to add your events to the InBurton website. And as an added bonus… many of the events listed on the InBurton site are also featured in the InBurton Insider email newsletter, providing even more exposure for your Burton events!

All you need to do is…

1. Click Here to go to the Events section.

2. Click the Sign In button (top right).

3. Create a free account and Log In to your account.

4. [First time only] Click Add Group (top right) and add a group for your events. Please see the video below for details on this.

5. Click the Add Events button (top right once your group is created) and add your event details.

Here is a video that shows a demo of how to do all the above steps. You may find it useful to watch before adding your very first event but then after that you’ll find it quick and easy to add all of your future events…

Upcoming Events

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